Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Follow Your Heart

Love is knocking on the door. It is gray and wet outside. Should i open the door? Are you or your second half a cool, modern and sceptical guy/gal or Follow Your Heart sweetheart or are you in the middle between the two? Can you tell the difference? Are you going to open the door or stay in the cold?

Psychologists came up with 3 types of personalities, type A, type B and type C. Type A are overachievers, they are always busy and stressed out. They are competitive and experience guilt when they have nothing useful to do. Type B are the exact oposite of type A. Type C are loners who enjoy being alone. They are very detail oriented, hard working, perfectionists, usually very smart. On the negative scale they lack assertiveness to stand up for their rights, beliefs and as the result tend to feel depression more than other types. Do you know your type? Who do you think will open the door to love?

Valentines Day is approaching and if you are type A it means your Valentines Day provisions are done, everything is planed and you are still stressing over the details. If you are type B nothing is planned yet for the big day and it is not the end of the world as this day after all is to celebrate love. Love is supposed to be unconditional and non commercial right? Type C have the most chances to stay in the cold this Valentines day.

If type A and C are also fashion forward here is Valentines Day room decorating idea which will appeal to them. Snap Lucious is a great pick either for yourself or for your loved one to express your feelings on the wall - literally.

If the birds are singing the words of love in your heart each time you see your great love than why not to express it?

If you have a child family member who would like to create a Valentine's Day surprise for mommy than look no further. Snap Kids wall decals are a child's play to put up on the wall and you can have family fun creating the surprise. Make your parent cry from joy by expressing how much you love them. You can remove the decals after the Valentines Day is over if you wish. Type B would be most attracted to this idea.

Whatever your Valentines Day plan is let Love to be your inspiration because all we need is Love.

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

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